Alexis Heitman Licensed Holistic Mental Health Counselor
Alexis Heitman Licensed Holistic Mental Health Counselor
Mind • Emotions • Body • Spirit
As a licensed mental health counselor and chemical dependency professional, I offer counseling services to adults and families in Rhode Island and Connecticut. My therapeutic approach is holistic, incorporating the wisdom of mind, emotions, body, and spirit. I provide a safe, confidential, and supportive therapy environment where you can explore your truth and discover new possibilities for yourself. Together, we will work collaboratively to address your personal challenges and move toward a sense of integrated wholeness and personal well-being. Please feel free to contact me for more information or to set up an appointment.

Some Common Issues I Treat:
Relationship Issues
Quest for Meaning and Growth
Coping With Chronic Pain and Health Problems
Addictions and Codependency
Coping With Life Transitions
Stress Management
Loss and Grief
Blocked Creativity
“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And to know the place for the first time.”
- T.S.Eliot